Toxic financial expectations amongst young people have led to 1 in 5 singletons lying about their job or salary to impress a date
A third of young people (32%) have experienced relationship issues due to a wage gap
To help young people navigate the pressures of money and relationships, Experian has launched a new podcast, hosted by celebrity dating expert and therapist, Anna Williamson
Episode 2 launches today, delving into relationships with a significant wage gap with special guests @devamsha and @twodadsinlondon
New data from Experian has revealed that a third of young people (32%) have experienced relationship issues due to a wage gap, highlighting the impact of toxic financial expectations on dating and relationships.
Pressures to earn a certain amount have led to more than 1 in 5 (20%) 18-35 year olds lying about their salary to impress a date or partner. The study even revealed that the average debt among 18-35 year olds as a result of financing dating and relationships was £22502.
The data is revealed alongside episode two launch of Experian’s Cost of Loving podcast, which discusses relationships with a significant wage gap, and is hosted by celebrity relationship expert Anna Williamson.
The Cost of Loving episode two addresses the power dynamics of relationships with a wage disparity, as well as toxic expectations around how much your partner earns. For this episode host Anna is joined by guests @devamsha and married parents @twodadsinlondon to hear their take on the hot topic.
Whilst over two thirds (68%) of those surveyed said they believed finances should be split 50/50 in a relationship, the episode explores the reality of shared finances, and whether the practicality of going halves really adds up when one partner is significantly more ‘in the money’.
With financial compatibility a huge priority for Gen Z and Millennials nowadays - and almost 1 in 5 (19%) admitting to being in a relationship that ended due to financial issues - the wider Cost of Loving series explores societal attitudes towards finances in relationships, debunking stereotypes and arming young people with the confidence to communicate openly with partners when it comes to money.
Subsequent episodes in the 5-part series will launch throughout February and March, and cover topics such as Debt, Dating & Financial Infidelity, Financial Break-Ups, and Financial Abuse Red Flags.
Host Anna Williamson said: “Navigating the world of dating and relationships is pretty tough as it is, without factoring in the divisive debates around finances that we’re seeing on social media. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to tackling these kinds of conversations but, with Experian, we’ve launched The Cost of Loving podcast to bring a burst of fun, relatability, and accessibility into the equation. As well as having some amazing guests to chat to, I hope the podcast will encourage healthy financial dialogue between partners, as well as tackle some tricky dating-meets-finance questions from listeners.”
James Jones, Head of Consumer Affairs at Experian added: “When two partners receive significantly different incomes, it can impact so many aspects of daily life from who’s paying the bill, to how your mortgage repayments are split. With financial compatibility being such a priority for Gen Z and Millennials, at Experian, we felt it important to address unhealthy, stereotypical narratives around salary expectations. It’s a personal topic with lots of different views, but through episode 2 of The Cost of Loving, we hope that listeners will leave with an open mind and clearer understanding of how to broach the topic and set healthier expectations.”
With topics and advice to help educate and engage, Experian’s Cost of Loving podcast is available to listen on all major podcast platforms with Episodes 1 and 2 available now.
For more information and support on how to improve financial health, head to
Notes to Editors:
1 Based on a survey of 2000 18-35 year olds conducted by 3Gem January 2024
2 Exact figure £2246.50
3 Based on Experian data of 10.1 million adults between 18-30 years old
Further data:
The average debt from dating and relationships amongst 18-35 year olds is £2246.50
5% of young men have gotten themselves into over £10,000 of debt from dating/relationships
59% of young people say social media influencer has contributed to expectations to overspend on their partner
63% believe social media has influenced people to date for money and materialistic reasons over love
36% of men have browsed a potential date’s social media profile to check if they could afford their lifestyle vs 28% of women
Of 10.1 million 18-30 year olds, 16.6% are currently in arrears or default meaning they have overdue debt or have failed to repay loans
Of the demographic in question, younger men use the greatest proportion of their available credit - with the average credit usage for 18-21 year old men coming in at 33.4% vs. 25.7% for 26-30 year old males3
About the podcast
The Cost of Loving is a 5 part podcast series hosted by Celebs Go Dating therapist Anna Williamson in partnership with Experian, which delves into the intersection between dating and finances.
● Episode 1: Gender Expectations
Special guests: Tayo & Antoinette Oguntonade, Financial Influencers
Launch date: Available now
This episode explores gender stereotypes and expectations within the world of dating, from splitting the bill to gifting as a love language.
● Episode 2: Wage Gap Relationships
Special guest: Devamsha Gunput (@devamshagunput), aka ‘the financial hot girl’, and authors and lifestyle influencers @twodadsinlondon
Launch date: 20th February
This episode addresses wage disparity in relationships, including the subsequent power dynamics and how to navigate open and honest conversations about finances with your partner.
● Episode 3: Dating, Debt, Financial Anxiety & Financial Infidelity
Special guest: Megan Micklewright / The Savvy Spender - financial educator & content creator
Launch date: 27th February
This episode explores dishonesty surrounding finances within a relationship - or ‘financial infidelity’, and how and when to have transparent, honest conversations about your financial situation with a romantic partner.
● Episode 4 - Financial Break-ups
Launch date: March
This podcast episode explores the financial problems and dilemmas associated with break-ups as well as the cost implications of breaking up and having to resplit finances.
● Episode 5: Financial Red Flags
Launch date: March
Experts on the podcast will discuss ‘red flags’ and warning signs of financial abuse within a relationship, offering advice to those who have been affected by financial abuse and tips on how to spot someone who might be in an abusive relationship.