Companies and organizations launch Covid Radar, a platform for action against the pandemic

On Monday, April 20, the Covid Radar – a collective of organizations such as the United Nations, Serasa Experian, SAP, Amazon, Acts, University of Sao Paulo (USP), among others – will be launched with the purpose of working together to minimize the impacts generated by the COVID-19  and contribute to the recovery of Brazil’s economy. This collective is divided into three fronts: Covid Radar Panel, Covid Radar Connection and Health Covid Radar.

The Covid Radar Panel brings a complete database with anonymized data and information about the pandemic that has been available by Covid Radar partners for modelling, research, indexes, trends and visualizations about several aspects of the pandemic. Its users can be companies, academic organizations, media and the society. The academy and governments, for example, can access the complete database to simulate different combinations, which enable them having a detailed view on the environment and movement by city and even by neighborhood and allow the adoption of quick and assertive measures in the most diverse areas affected.

The Covid Radar Connection integrates companies that want to make donations - equipment or raw material for the production of essential inputs, supplies – and institutions that need help, through a Market Place similar to product purchase and sale sites.

The Covid Radar Health will serve as a basis for health and mobility monitoring applications, with daily collection of anonymous data about citizens, mainly about symptoms and geolocalized monitoring to estimate the expansion of the virus. The population will be able to contribute daily with information, such as symptoms, and help map and contain Covid-19's progress in the country.

“The union of everyone at that moment really makes a difference. Companies and organizations will donate money, data, PPE, services, among other important assets. It’s a gratification to see the partnership and teamwork, which unites everyone in favor of a common goal. We managed to gather here, in addition to the UN Global Compact, organizations like Ethos, Cebds and Sistema B ”, said Carlo Pereira, Executive Director of Brazil Network of the UN Global Compact.

“It is a great pleasure to see public and private organizations, researchers and volunteers coming together for a common cause, which is to help face Covid-19. In less than three weeks, more than 100 people, including CEOs, directors, researchers and other professionals, had already mobilized to support this initiative”, said the Director of DataLab at Serasa Experian, Marcelo Pimenta.

The Covid Radar has already confirmed users, such as the University of Sao Paulo (USP), State University of Sao Paulo (Unesp), State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Federal University of ABC (UFABC), University of Brasilia (UNB), Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB), Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Federal of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), that is going to use the collective as the official source of information.

Get to know the platform and its supporters here:
