September is the new New Year! Join the 100 day sprint to achieve your 2014 dreams

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September is the new New Year! Join the 100 day sprint to achieve your 2014 dreams

September marks the month to make and keep new resolutions including changing jobs, taking up new hobbies or saving

Nottingham, 26 September 2014: An independent survey of Britons carried out by Experian, the global information services provider, has found that for many, September is in fact a more successful time than New Years, to make – and keep – resolutions, lifestyle changes or other goals.

Waiting until the leaves start falling from the trees seems to be the ideal time to turn over a new leaf, with more people successfully changing job (30%), starting a new hobby (22%) or retraining (53%) in September, than any other month of the year. September is also second only to January as the most successful month for starting to save (12%) and finding a new relationship (10%).

Over half of those surveyed (54%) say they have found New Year a bad time to start new things – and less than half(45%) have ever achieved what they set out to do when setting their New Year resolutions in January.

And so, today (23 September) could be the ideal time to dust off those grand ambitions or moderate goals, as with exactly 100 days left in the year there is enough time to accomplish something significant – while also a short enough period to remain focused and motivated.

The first step in achieving a goal is to understand and prepare for the pitfalls or hurdles you are likely to encounter along the way.

63% of people admitted that it proved far too easy to procrastinate taking even the first step and the same number also failed because they felt it would be better if they had a definite end date to keep them motivated. Two-fifths (42%) of respondents said that the longest they have stuck at something was 100 days.

Financial issues were cited as the biggest area keeping people from fulfilling their ambitions for the year (41%), with the cost of living, a lack of savings and difficulty setting money aside the most common factors. Three in 10 also felt it was too hard to find the time to stick to completing ambitions (29%) and a fifth blamed a lack of will power (20%).

To that end, Experian is today launching its #100DaysUseIt campaign, to help encourage and support the British public to achieve one thing they have put off throughout 2014 – or nominate a friend to do so. Follow the campaign on Facebook or Twitter to share your goals with others and receive motivational tips and advice to help you on your journey.

Julie Doleman, Managing Director, Consumer with Experian Consumer Services, commented: “September it would seem has a ‘new term’ mentality about it and it would seem that many of us have a reinvigorated energy towards achieving our goals and so let’s not waste it! With a little planning, focus and support, I challenge you all to end the year on a high by achieving something significant to you over the coming 100 days.

“For many we spoke to, financial restrictions have had a negative effect on achieving our new year resolutions so why not start afresh and take the time now to really understand your financial situation and make a plan for the future.  By taking one day at a time, everything is achievable and understanding your financial history will set you on the right road for the future. Budgeting needs to include your income, outgoings and your credit history so that you are in the best position to get any credit you might need into the future to achieve your dreams.”

Follow this simple action plan from Experian CreditExpert to get your 100 day sprint off to the best start and don’t forget to follow the #100DaysUseIt team for extra help and motivation.

  1. Address any hurdles before you start.
    If you understand the barriers you are likely to face, you will be better able to avoid them and be successful, even if it takes a little longer. The biggest barrier encountered by many was financial and so now is the take time to understand your finances and to take control of them. Your credit report and Experian Credit Score will help give you a good overview of any money owed, your credit worthiness and also can help you improve it in the coming months.

  2. Break down your goal into achievable steps.
    37% of survey respondents said this helps them achieve their overall goal. By breaking it down, your goal won’t seem as daunting and you can work out how long you need for each step.

  3. Try tackling your goal as part of a team.
    24% of those surveyed recommended taking on goals as part of a team. Having people around you trying to achieve the same thing can be very motivational. You can talk to each other about milestones and make sure you each keep up.

  4. Tell others what you are doing.
    20% of Brits felt most motivated to achieve their goals when they had told others of their plan. This can help you with sticking to it as you want to be able to tell everyone afterwards that you did it. Just think of how good it will feel!

  5. Have the end in mind.
    60% of people say they work best with a definite end date. This will help you work backwards so it becomes clear what needs to be achieved by when. And don’t be disheartened if certain goals aren’t met exactly when you want them to be – be flexible and know if you stick at it, it will come through.


Notes to editors:

Research was carried out online by Research Now on behalf of Experian CreditExpert among a representative panel of 2,000 UK adults, completed on 15 September 2013.

1. 10,745,878. There are 48,844,900 UK adults (ONS) 22% of whom have yet to start the goals they set themselves at the start of the year.

For more information please contact:

Bell Pottinger
Anna Selby – 020 3772 2516 /
Michael Sheen – 020 3772 2461 /
Rebecca Lloyd Wright – 020 3772 4210 /

Experian Consumer Services
Joanne Leahy, PR Manager - 020 3042 4089 /

About Experian

Experian is the leading global information services company, providing data and analytical tools to clients around the world. The Group helps businesses to manage credit risk, prevent fraud, target marketing offers and automate decision making. Experian also helps individuals to check their credit report and credit score, and protect against identity theft.

Experian plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange (EXPN) and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 index. Total revenue for the year ended 31 March 2014 was US$4.8 billion. Experian employs approximately 16,000 people in 39 countries and has its corporate headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, with operational headquarters in Nottingham, UK; California, US; and São Paulo, Brazil.

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