Our vision is to become consumers’ first choice for managing their financial lives. Our solutions can help consumers gain access to credit at affordable rates so they can manage their financial lives, at whatever level or stage they’re at on their financial journey.
points added to credit scores by consumers using Experian Boost
US consumers establish their credit profile through Experian Go
In Brazil, 40% of adults, around 70 million people, are behind on their debt repayments. It’s a heavy burden for people to bear emotionally and physically. On our Serasa Limpa Nome (Clean My Name) platform, people can renegotiate their debts simply and quickly, without having to leave home. They can obtain new repayment plans from over 500 banks, retailers, finance companies and others and receive up to a 99% discount on their debts. For many people, this is an opportunity to start again, to rebuild relationships and to see a way to a better quality of life and to live in peace.
We make credit and lending simpler, faster and safer for consumers and businesses.
With fraudsters taking advantage of the growing number of transactions online, businesses increasingly need to protect themselves.
We help organisations in specialised verticals harness data, analytics and software to make smarter choices.
We enable businesses to find, understand and connect with audiences.