Modern slavery statement

Experian plc and its subsidiary companies are committed to protecting our organisation and those people at risk from exposure to slavery or people trafficking in our supply chain, both via directly employed staff and staff working on our behalf via third-party vendors.

We’re committed to respecting human rights and we don’t tolerate any infringement of these rights in our business or our supply chain. Our Global Code of Conduct and related policies align with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Employees are trained to understand and recognise human rights and modern slavery risks, and to report concerns.

We monitor modern slavery risks in our supply chain, conducting risk assessments and further due diligence of suppliers if needed. We’re a founding member of the Slave-Free Alliance, and we partner with charities, such as Hope for Justice, to use data to contribute to wider efforts to tackle modern slavery and support survivors in rebuilding their financial lives.


Modern slavery statement

See our 2024 modern slavery statement for more information.
