Capitalising on a unique market opportunity in Brazil

The advent of positive data aggregation in Brazil has catalysed the market and the scale of the addressable opportunity. We have established a leadership position in positive data propositions and see considerable potential to grow our market footprint by combining our deep data expertise with new datasets, securing wider market adoption of Serasa Score, as well as of our advanced platforms such as Experian Ascend and cloud-enabled decisioning. We have also started to diversify our B2B operations through entry into new vertical segments such as agribusiness.

Our strategy for Consumer Services is to continue to grow our membership base and to provide more features which help individuals to improve their financial situation. We will enrich the features within our existing offers, such as credit and identity monitoring, grow our credit comparison marketplace, and we will introduce new innovations to help people to take greater control of their financial lives.

The growth of the digital economy has accelerated in the past five years, and Brazil is no exception. Extensive regulatory reform in Brazil in the areas of positive data aggregation, Data Protection, Open Finance and Instant Payments is making more data available. When this is coupled with alternative data sources, it creates new opportunities for FinTechs to devise new solutions to social and economic problems.

FinTechs are often started by small groups of people with a really good idea. Run on a shoestring, there isn’t the money initially for expensive offices or high fixed costs. They are used to working swiftly, want simple solutions which meet their needs, and they look for partners who are super-responsive and flexible.

We are focused on understanding the needs of the FinTech sector. We seek to understand their pain points and the opportunities they are exploring. We have expanded the range of solutions we offer through APIs¹, provide alternative data and are flexible in our approach. This supports the FinTech community so they can scale their businesses successfully.

FinTechs such as Agrolend, a start-up that specialises in connecting small- to medium-sized farmers with credit to cover the cost of farm supplies and machinery, something that isn’t readily available via traditional banks. Agrolend have developed a completely digital offering for farmers, where farmers can purchase supplies on credit.

We combine our data, which includes positive and agricultural production data, with our cutting-edge agricultural solutions and expertise in credit analysis and risk management. This means that Agrolend can in turn offer an agile, secure and uncomplicated credit provision service to farmers.

This provides access to credit at critical moments. It provides liquidity and helps the farming sector to adopt new technologies, boost crop productivity and expand into new crops. By working together with the FinTech community we’re opening up new frontiers for lending and paving the way to credit for those who need it.


Brazil’s GDP from agriculture

1 API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software.

2 Source: USDA, Brazilian Economic and Agricultural Overview report, 9 February 2022.

Relying on Serasa Experian's solutions has been crucial. It helped us to gain market traction and enabled us to connect with our audiences: agricultural producers who, until then, had little access to credit. We were able to quickly develop a simple digital platform powered by reliable data. In turn, this provided access to credit at affordable rates to the agricultural producers and attractive customers for the credit granters. A win-win for all.

André Glezer
CEO of Agrolend


Annual Report 2022 (Full PDF)
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Prototype interactive filing 2022 (UKSEF)
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